033 394 7156 ruth@lwh.co.za

How the “Historical Rates” Judgment Affects You

A recent Constitutional Court judgment held that municipalities can no longer force a new property buyer to pay the seller’s “old” municipal debts for rates, municipal services etc. Before that judgment, you were at risk of buying a house thinking that all you...

7 Myths about Making a Will

If you haven’t already made your “last will and testament” you need to get it done now. And you should have a professional help you. Why is a properly-drawn will so important? To answer that, we debunk a few of the more pervasive myths and...

Verbal Agreements – The Property Perspective

Always seek legal help before you agree to anything, particularly when dealing with property. The outcome of a recent High Court case illustrates – the occupants of a property which had been sold and transferred to a new owner refused to vacate and then resisted...

Your Property Sale Agreement: Be Careful How It’s Worded!

“In war and litigation, both sides suffer” (old Roman proverb) Buying and selling property is a potential minefield for damaging dispute and expensive litigation. Navigating that minefield starts with a professionally-drawn sale agreement which clearly records exactly...

What is an Occupancy Certificate? Why Do You Need It?

Cheops (ruler of ancient Egypt in the 26th century BC) had to wait 20 years for his Great Pyramid to be built and he no doubt realised sooner rather than later that the adage “Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget” applies as much to Pharaohs as it does...