033 394 7156 ruth@lwh.co.za

November 2018 | Can I have pets in a residential complex?

Life in a residential complex comes with many benefits – hence the increasing demand for apartments and security estates – but it also means sacrificing some of the freedom of choice you would enjoy if you were entirely on your own. For example, pet ownership is...

October 2018 | Selling Your House: Disclosing Defects

When you sell anything, our law requires that you deliver it to the buyer without any defects. That’s not easily achieved with property and you should always protect yourself with a voetstoots (“as is” or “without any warranty”) clause in your sale agreement....

Do You Need a Will?

We all die, and we all know that it is up to us to ensure the happiness and well-being and protection of our loved ones long after we are gone. But it’s not easy to contemplate our own mortality, nor is it easy to find the time in our busy schedules to attend to...

How to Escape from a Property Suretyship

You are a director of a company entering into a good, sensible property deal which you have researched thoroughly. So when you need finance from the bank and the bank says “sure, your company can have a R5m loan, just sign this personal suretyship here”, you sign....

What Happens If You Cancel Your Lease Early?

Whether you are a tenant or a landlord, chances are that sooner or later you are going to be asking yourself the question “What happens if the lease is cancelled early?” Of course there are no free lunches in life, and a tenant wanting to cancel before the lease has...